Emotional Baggage

When it seems like you're carrying the world on your back....

Do you feel like you're being held hostage by negative thought patterns that keep you stuck in a loop, unable to break free?
Are you frustrated by an awareness of feeling like you're somehow "blocked", but can't quite put your finger on why....or what to do to resolve it?
Have you tried different mainstream treatment methods...only to get discouraged by a lack of progress?
The long-term consequences of carrying emotional baggage around can be devastating to physical and emotional well-being, yet it's sometimes very difficult to let go of
Feelings buried alive don't disappear.
They don't die.
They just go underground, and wreak havoc on the psyche; manifesting in a number of different and uncomfortable ways.

The human body was designed to feel emotions....and then release them -- this is what is meant by "processing". Yet the mainstream society we live in neither teaches the importance of this, nor encourages effective ways to deal with it.
We deny our emotions, and distract ourselves from them. We stuff them down, numb and attempt to "medicate" them away. We rush from one instant gratification experience to another, running away from them. But these unprocessed, suppressed emotions do not just disappear. They instead become trapped in the body.
Trapped emotions are often the root cause of psychological and physical problems which can prevent you from being able to move forward.
* Grief from losses, such as divorce, breakups, bereavement, et al;
* Shock from unexpected events and traumas;
* Stuck patterns of blame and shame, victimhood from past misfortunes;
* _____ Insert whatever baggage is keeping you feeling stuck and stagnant!
Emotions are energy....and each one has it's own specific frequency; it's own level of Consciousness. David R Hawkins, author of the groundbreaking book Power Versis Force, identified the energetic signatures of each of the different levels of consciousness that humans and animals experience through our emotions. This has been coined "the Scale of Consciousness".
Love, gratitude, peace, and enlightenment are emotions that vibrate at increasingly higher levels of consciousness.
Anger, grief, fear and apathy are emotions that vibrate at increasingly lower levels of consciousness. Shame and apathy are the two densest emotions; these levels of consciousness actually siphon vital life force away.
Unprocessed emotions become "stuck" in the body; and these emotions continue to resonate at their lower consciousness frequency, attracting more of the same into your experience. Until you are able to let go of the energetic blocks that are created by these trapped emotions, you will continue to be adversely affected by them. Most "traditional" therapies are one-dimensional and only target the rational, thinking brain.....they do not recognize the energetic root cause, so they are not able to effectively address the effects.
Book your emotional breakthrough now:
Also, Seals and Implants from Lemurian Timelines continue to affect Humanity; these core world wounding inversions can be healed through Lemurian Regression
Two hour exploratory session to uncover emotional blockages without retraumatization, with various techniques, including hypnosis, EC and Energy Clearing. Perfect for those who are searching for new and alternative forms of healing.
Remote and In-person sessions available Monday/Wed/Friday; a historic pet-friendly mansion located in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Weekend sessions may be arranged on an individual basis.
Four Week EC
Intensive for Emotional Freedom
Release trauma, reduce anxiety, heal relationships and find emotional freedom with this four-session Intensive which incorporates Emotion Code with energy healing. All are remote Proxy Sessions, done in the comfort of your own home, and can provide relief for pets, adults and children suffering from "stuck" emotional patterns which other more traditional techniques have not given relief to. (Check out the Testimonials from some of my clients!)
These clearings are powerful (Testimonials)
Carla, Connecticut - “I had no idea what to expect. Kenzie did remote sessions on me. They were all different but I went in and out of ‘being there’, experienced things on different planes, but saw instant changes in myself and my relationships the next day!!! I had no idea what to focus on but that didn’t matter to Kenzie. She just did what she does and it wasn’t just easy, it was extremely pleasant. I didn’t think I had anxiety until I felt the difference during the session and the day after. I am excited to keep moving forward with her work. I am also a healer. I believe Kenzie is a “healer’s HEALER”!! So excited to be part of her work. She is definitely divinely blessed. I also love & believe in Jesus Christ. 🙏♥️🥰”
Kim, Western Massachusetts - “I have had two incredibly powerful half hour sessions with Kenzie, where I was able to let go of many of the trapped emotions I had been holding in my body (particularly my heart wall) for years. She made the process easy, painless and very loving. I’m looking forward to continuing our work (or should I say play) together. I highly recommend her work. ”
JR, Connecticut - “I didn't think I could wake up feeling any better until after engaging in an emotion code healing with Kenzie. She opened up my eyes to an even more positive aspect of my life. This was quite a remarkable experience to say the least, thank you!”